Enquiries to email: [email protected]

Above: Holy Trinity, Dartford’s Parish Church, dates from c.1080. In 1470 bells were hung in the heightened tower. The different stonework at the top is visible in this picture.
Our yearly programme is now on the Annual Programme webpage. Please take a look and come along to any talks which interest you. All are welcome with a £3.00 contribution asked of non-members.

The above photographs were taken on our Christmas Talk in December 2019 which had refreshments supplied by members. The talk was “Myths and Legends of Dartford and Gravesham” given by Christoph Bull.

The above photographs were taken on our very enjoyable coach outing to three Romney Marsh churches and a fish and chip meal at the Pilot, Dungeness.

Above: photograph of our 2015 coach outing to Leicester and the King Richard III Visitor Centre.
Below: the Social Event at Stone Church on 27th June 2015 where those who climbed the tower had great views towards and across the Thames.

Photographs of Bryan (above) and Louise (below) at our information stand at Crossness Open Day, October 2015